The Bagua or Pakua is a map that determines where the energies are in your home and office. When you know where the energies are, then you'll know how to enhance them with color, furniture, and accessories.
The Bagua Map includes three layers of energetic information based upon the earth's magnetic energy (compass direction). When these energies are combined, the Bagua provides a comprehensive and holistic analysis (which allows me to read your life during site & phone Feng Shui consultations). These layers are the Life Aspirations (Wealth, Love, Health), your Best Personal Directions, and your natal Flying Stars.
By the way, did you know that if you moved in your home between 1984-2048, there is only 1 out of 2048 Personal Success Maps that is customized to you and your home?
While your Personal Success Map is the most comprehensive analysis, you can start with the Feng Shui Symbols and get started on Increasing WEALTH, Deepening LOVE, and Improving HEALTH.