Feng Shui and the Da Vinci Code
Jami Lin's writes about "The Di Vinci Code" in 1997 as excerpted from her ground-breaking The Feng Shui Anthology: written by the top 40 world-wide experts.
Feng Shui and The Da Vinci code: Wow! Loved the book...I was immediately engaged in its Universal: sacred mysticism, reverence of the goddess, and Earth Design.
I wrote and published this article in 1997. This article not only describes the sacred geometry of the Louvre but it identifies its most "sacred place within the Louvre " (according to Mr Brown) along with my experience of it. Additionally, the article below as well as Feng Shui Today describes how the Chinese did not have an exclusive on Earth Design and how all indigenous people lived their lives and designed their most sacred structures according to the mystical and magical workings of our sacred Earth. I am honored to continue to study this ancient wisdom as it effects our deepest spiritual roots and gives us the opportunity to bring it into our most personal sacred space: our homes to enhance the rich potential of our lives.
Because I am again so in love with sharing my studies on Universal Feng Shui to what Deepak Chopra described in my Feng Shui Today book as “going far beyond Feng Shui,” I want I add another gift to my Personalized Consultation Series book special.
Universal Feng Shui: The Roots of our Nature
With so much media attention, you have probably heard of Feng Shui. However, with your predominately English-speaking ears, it is likely that the Chinese concepts are as hard for you to grasp, as they are to pronounce.
Do you want greater Health, Wealth & Happiness, along with a more beautiful home or functional office? When we align our environments according to the natural laws, we also benefit from their perfection. Our homes and offices either support our full potential, create limiting blocks, or keep us from moving either way.
As long ago as the need for shelter, man has been at the positive or negative effect of his surrounding space. Ancient man was sensitive to his surroundings and his connection to the earth. Having the same natural instincts as our animal brothers, he could feel when a space was magnetically hot which was, and still is, over stimulating to the body and the senses, or when a site was so special that it was honored and shared with all clan/tribe members for ceremony or the hunt. Defined by Chinese mythology, the just right conditions are wrapped in the natural protection of the nurturing arms of the tiger and dragon mountains.
Using childhood mythology, did the Chinese influence Goldilocks when she chose her chair that was just right or Dorothy's magical capabilities when she realized, "There is no place like home?" The Chinese could not have had the exclusive on Earth Design.
Observing nature and applying her design secrets for personal benefit is not new. History has proven that when logic and symbolic representations of the natural cycles are included in planning our structures, placing furniture and selecting accessories, abundance and well-being are enhanced. Greek Temples, Egyptian Pyramids, sacred structures throughout Europe, South America, and all over the world were constructed according to universal Earth Design.
In addition to locating structures and sites according to the relationship of man and earth, the ancient Earth Designers constructed buildings to honor their spiritual expression. Throughout design history, mythological reference was typically the reason for construction, as confirmed further by building details. For example, the Egyptian pyramids were constructed to house the spirit of Osiris for all eternity, and the Greek temples were the gods' earthly homes when they ventured from Mount Olympus. When the gods were appeased, visionaries advised that man would be blessed with good fortune.
It is coincidental that mythology is the intuitive explanation of the workings of nature and the cycles. Joseph Campbell, who spent his life defining universal myth, could suggest that Earth Design is a tool for planning your environments so they support our personal mythology: our own success stories. When we design according to the same laws and our own personal mythology, we too will be blessed with good fortune.
Understanding personal mythology through intuition is the foundation of Earth Design. The natural law that blends the mind-body-spirit triad, physically represented by a pyramid, is the key to enjoying life while working to attain our goals. The triad cycle is what gives man his humanness and reason for being. Just like every natural cycle, our happiness triad works in the very same way, as does the water or any other cycle. Simply stated, water falls to earth through precipitation; it is absorbed by the earth, plants, and animals; it evaporates into the air, and continues to cycle because of the earth's force.
"The force," through Hollywood's science-fiction mythology, has been defined and explored at great length in the "Star Wars" movies. The force or Chi (the Chinese word for energy) is the momentum of life. Scientifically, energy is the attraction of molecular structure. It is glue that holds the cycles of nature together. Like the blood that circulates through and nourishes our bodies, Chi/energy is the life force that circulates through everything including our homes and offices.
As man is part of nature's wholeness, the same energy that holds the earth cycles together also creates the momentum of our personal mythology momentum. The mind-body-spirit triad is our personal energetic cycle. A focused mind has the power to direct the body to do remarkable tasks, and the body increases strength, further supporting the mind and spirit. The mind grows in confidence, and human kind desires to extend to higher goals. A purposeful empty mind has the ability to receive expanded knowledge in order to grow in spirit. Through spiritual awareness, our mental and physical sensibilities become more finely developed. Intuition is the added dimension that exponentially evolves the personal triad.
While this discussion has everything to do with becoming a more evolved being, what does it have to do with Earth Design? When you are sensitive to your surroundings, you will recognize how space affects you. Then you can intuitively make energetic adjustments based upon your intuitive interpretation of the lessons learned from having observed nature. Thus, Earth Design is a bridge connecting intuition (mind) to the physical environment (body) and ultimately to the spirit. The added dimension takes you to your spiritual roots through its connection to substance and form; an animal designs its den so it can view the opening for advanced warning against predators. If you want the same sense of comfort to support your triad, shouldn't you also place your furniture to view the door?
Through design history, Earth Design is the physical manifestation of man's spiritual evolution. Through intuitive observation and spiritual awareness, Plato and Pythagoras validated Earth Design as nature's universal structure through mathematics and science. The spirit of more recent Earth Designers also applied their intuition to interpreting the laws. Frank Lloyd Wright explored the cantilever by noticing how a tree branch extended off its deeply rooted trunk, and Buckminster Fuller designed the Geodesic Dome according to the magnetic grid lines of the earth.
You don't have to be a masterful designer to start developing your own intuitive sensitivity. One day I was hiking in the Canadian Rockies. I recognized that Johnson Canyon was constructed by Fire (igneous) and Earth (rock), magnificently chiseled by Water (glacial runoff) and Air (winds). Because I had working knowledge of Feng Shui, I was so excited when I realized that if the natural elements had the power to create such wonder, it is easy to understand how their representations make a significant impact on our lives.
Use nature's perfection as a model; she is rich and abundant. Even with man's ecological disrespect, given the proper conditions, more trees will grow. As part of the natural order, you are also perfect and have the opportunity, combined with motivation and hard work, to grow many riches not just limited to economic wealth. Riches refer to the humanness of being, which IS the joy of life: rich in respect, love, health, and generous to give to each other and back to the earth.
Now that you have accepted nature's perfect gift of greater Health Wealth & Happiness, let's begin at the entry, the most important area of any home or office. To allow Chi, clients, guests, or family primary access, the entrance needs to be open, unobstructed and inviting. It should be cheerful, attractive and look prosperous. Welcome to your first impression!
Use your intuition, what are some ideas? You cannot simply take a traditional Feng Shui concept such as painting a door red, without intuitive processing. If your house were painted dusty rose or peach, how harmonious or attractive would it be with a red door?
Once you enter, Chi should be allowed to flow through your home or office. When you walk into a "brick wall" obstructing Chi, the entire space is hindered. Opportunity is choked. You can almost feel as if something were caught in your throat, or as if you are beating your head against a brick wall.
As a business owner, your office environment has you defeated before getting started. Why should employees bother when there is no room for advancement because of all the obstacles? Clients meet resistance, and the brick wall blocks them from signing your contract. Hesitantly, clients waver. They are not convinced you can deliver their expected quality of product or service.
Your home is the sanctuary where you regenerate from the stress of the outside world. A brick wall could cause headaches. You may be professionally stuck by not knowing how to pursue financial opportunities. There may be marital problems, or the children may be difficult to discipline.
Anything that catches your eye will direct Chi. When construction is not architecturally or financially feasible; hanging a mirror is a good solution to help nurturing energy pass through the block. The mirror greets you with your reflection, and who better should you think is beautiful and full of potential?
In the corporate arena, another solution is to install the company logo out of highly polished metal, which is reflective like a mirror. Good Earth Design requires that all energetic solutions be functional and aesthetic at the same time. Your logo commands presence: professionalism and stability. Using your intuition, energetically, why use metal? What does metal represent? The kings ransom! Clients will make money by trusting you.
Notice how Earth Design solutions are logical. Everything in nature is intertwined, so when you are designing a space, consider all the practical requirements. What if your entry is dark? In addition to not being able to see, how does it feel when you walk into a small dark space? Uneasy? Restricted? How can this manifest itself on professional, social or emotional levels?
You already know the answer and the practical solution; add a light fixture. In the office, focus recessed hi-hat fixtures in the ceiling toward the logo. Avoid glare, and allow your company name to shine brightly." We are proud of who we are. We will work hard to earn your confidence."
In your home, ceiling height permitting, hang a crystal chandelier. What happens when light passes through a prism? Allow light and energy to dance throughout the entry. "Welcome home, I love my family, and I feel loved and supported." Whatever your budget or style preferences, go to a home builder's warehouse first. There are many different and affordable fixtures available.
Using nature as a guide, the traditional Chinese elements: Metal (logo), Water (mirror), Wood, Fire, and Earth are represented by the materials, shape, and color of the finishes and furniture selected. Through historic reference, they all enhance various life situations or conditions. As in nature, when all of the elements are used in balanced proportion, Chi is harmonized, life experience is balanced and coincidently, the decoration is more interesting. A client had a house full of rattan furniture. Knowing the answer, I asked if she had bought everything from the same store. We do not live in furniture showrooms. Look at any photograph in a decorating magazine, and just like nature, there is beauty because of the perfect blend of textures, form, and color.
Leaving ample area to navigate, perhaps there is enough room in the entry for a console under the mirror or the logo. To balance the elements, consider a Wood (growth & creativity) console with a curvilinear Bombay front (Water shape: transition of ideas). A stone or ceramic floor is not only elegant and practical to maintain for an entry, but it has the stability of the Earth element. Fire (motivation & intellect) can be added with a wool (animal product/blood) entry rug for warmth.
Now that your decoration is beautiful and energetically balanced, what would you like to enhance? Clients most often would like more money. Without clutter, which leaves no room for new opportunity, how can we accessorize the console? In your office, consider a Metal (wealth) brochure holder (good marketing/promotion) that is kept over full (abundance). Space permitted, a live Chi-generating plant will help you to grow your business by adding fresh life and vitality. The console in your house could be accented by a black (wealth) marble (Earth: stability) pedestal with a metal sculpture. The sculpture should be representative of wealth or the process by which you earn your livelihood. There could be fresh flowers on the console for the previously mentioned reasons.
Now that you have Earth Designed one room, what about the rest of the space? There are practical design applications to generate creativity, concentration, higher profitability, greater marketability, new clients, internal productivity, and employee comradery in the office. You can design your home to support such personal life aspects as finding a potential life-love mate, having your children become less rebellious and more studious, and sometimes, almost miraculously, making positive changes in health or attitude.
While some of the concepts are what many may consider mystical, most have a foundation in common sense and practicality. Whatever your decorating style, the concepts are easy to learn and really do make a difference in all aspects of your life.
Here are some more suggestions to help you to get started.
Always position your bed, desk, and stove to have a clear view of the door.
The principal and upper executives' offices should be located in the command areas of the office, while giving employees and clients accessibility. Everyone will benefit because the entire office will feel as if it is one body, the sum of all the functions harmoniously working toward the main objective.
Bathroom doors should be kept shut, with toilet seats down, to prevent Chi, opportunity, wealth, and happiness from being flushed.
Never sleep with a beam over your bed or put a shelf over it or your desk. Your world could fall down on you at any moment.
Throw out dead flowers or plants.
Avoid sharp pointed buildings, wall corners, furniture or accessories pointed directly at your house, bed or desk. It is reminiscent of a cutting knife-edge or a disapproving finger.
To me, the spiritual aspects of Earth Design are the most exciting. Referring to the humanistic qualities of the triad, the more your physical environment provides conscious or subconscious comfort, the more you grow the mind and spirit. For the whole world to experience, the physical manifestation of this concept is represented by the entrance of the Louvre museum that houses the art of humanity masterfully expresses global spiritual evolution.
The entry, again the most important of any space is a crystal pyramid. Looking at the sacred shape of Pythagorean Mathematics and Plato's Solids, you are reminded of all the pyramids throughout time. How is this sacred pyramid any different from the Egyptian, Mayan, or church/mosque steeple that is the physical representation of man's quest for ascension? Mr. Pei used today's technology and building materials to design a pyramid of light. What does that mean to you?
Standing under the street level in the belly of the pyramid, you can look up through the glass at three different building elevations. The spirit of today's architectural contribution connects each building that was an addition to the growth of the Louvre. Constructed over the centuries, each has a unique facade designed according to the architectural style of the time. In the womb, you look up at design history. Though the light, you experience evolution through Earth Design.
I experienced more magic. While spiritually moved beyond words in the womb, all of a sudden the stainless steel cylinder started to move. It became a spiral. The universal mathematical proportion of pi ascended three to four stories to the street level above. While fully extended, I saw the double helix of DNA in the wonder of the handicap elevator. Evolution.
One more? Like traditional pyramids, there are underground passages that connect the buildings. One passage has a series of shops that terminates at the subway. At the entry on the floor there is a marble pyramid about four feet square at the base. Right above its apex is an inverted glass pyramid at the same proportion: apex-to-apex. Above the double pyramid, as part of the building structure, is one of the three pyramid-shaped skylights that surround the larger main entry pyramid. (Aren't there also three smaller pyramids at Giza?)
As soon as I saw it, I was greeted with Hermetic age-old wisdom: As above, so below. Through the funnel of the glass pyramid, we are being given light to fill our solid and stable earth plane for universal balance. When the pyramids merge together as if generated by a computer, a three-dimensional Star of David is created, connecting heaven and earth.
Understandably, some may feel negative energy from the top glass element because when a pyramid is inverted, this most stable of architectural forms defies the law of gravity. However, light and spirit have no weight. Do the natural laws of earth still apply? Perhaps people who are uncomfortable with the sculpture have mind, body or spiritual blocks that prevent them from receiving. Using your intuition, play with the controversy. How does the energy feel to you?
From Stone Age to New Age, Earth Design is about vision. As you begin to reap the rewards of nature's balance supported by your environments and hard work, you lighten up. You are gentler with yourself and the people around you. You become more at ease with life. With your new sensitivity, perceptions increase enabling you to make better decisions, and people enter your life with a willingness to support your goals, knowing too that in turn you help them reach theirs. You work smarter, not harder, leaving more time for the other joys of life.
Now, isn't Earth Design easier to grasp and pronounce?
When life is full, all riches come with greater grace. When you are rich in your complete humanness, you set an example by inspiring others to live to their full and balanced potential. As an old Chinese proverb says, "When there is order in the house, there is order in the nation, when there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world."
Enjoy the other 42 articles in The Feng Shui Anthology written by Top worldwide Masters