
The Feng Shui Anthology

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Feng Shui Anthology

The Feng Shui book by which all others
are measured
The 40 top Feng Shui experts wrote it!

"The Feng Shui Anthology is a
Feng Shui masterpiece. 
Nothing is left out!"

~Feng Shui Grand Master Lin Yun

Preface by Jami Lin

Foreword by Grand Master Lin Yun

Introduction by Sarah Rossbach

Feng Shui Basics
Earth Design: The Roots of Our Nature - Jami Lin
The Bagua - Ho Lynn
The Power of Chi - Angel Thompson
Drawing on Chi - Seann Xenja
Using the Components of Feng Shui Cures - David Daniel Kennedy

Feng Shui Schools
The Five Phases of Energy - Mark Johnson
The Seven Portents - Derek Walters
Riding the Wind and Harnessing the Water - Angi Ma Wong
Classical Feng Shui - Kathy Zimmerman
The Mystical Meaning of Feng Shui - Juan M. Alvarez

Architecture and Landscape
Feng Shui and Healing Architecture - A. T. Mann
Contemporary Architectural Design - Hank Reisen
Outdoor Feng Shui - Terah Kathryn Collins
Landscape Design According to Feng Shui - Shelley Sparks
Turn Signals for the Unconscious - Richard L. Phillips
Feng Shui and Real Estate Values - Shera Gabriel

Decorative Feng Shui
Utilize All Your Resources - Jami Lin
The Entry: New Beginnings -Kathy Mann
The Room of First Impression - Bob Longacre
Inspiring Arrangements - Toni A. Lefler
Art and Modern Design Solutions - Pamela Laurence
Big Results for Small Spaces - Linda M. Johnson
Family and Space Relationships - Pamela Tollefson
Chinese Wisdom for the Modern Workplace - Kirsten M. Lagatree
The Way of Beauty through Feng Shui - Katrine T. Karley

Feng Shui for the Healthy Body
Energy Systems and Feng Shui - Maggie Leyes
Using Feng Shui to Create Health - Andrew and Sally Fretwell
The Energetic Basis of Good Health - Jeanne D'Brant
Five Elements for Better Health - Lillian Lesefko Garnier
Color and the Chakra System - Nancy SantoPietro
Feng Shui: A Life Healing Tool - Hope Karen Gerecht

Feng Shui for the Healthy Home
A Scentual Reminder of Feng Shui Remedies - Dennis Fairchild
Energy Fields, Feng Shui, and Fragrances - Elaine Paris
Feng Shui and Children - Susan H. Ruzicka

Feng Shui for the Spirit
Spiritual Feng Shui - Crystal Chu
The Magic of Ritual and Feng Shui - Helen and James Jay
Self, Society, and Good Feng Shui - Melanie J. Lewandowski
Feng Shui in the Age of Aquarius - Cynthia Murray
The Bones of Your Home - Carol Bridges
Finding Place of Mind at Home - Johndennis Kaiten Govert

The Divine Plan
Coming Full Circle - Mary Buckley
Starting Over - William Spear
The Divine Plan - Jami Lin



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